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Vision Boards

Vision boards help you go through the process of actively thinking about your hopes, goals, and dreams. They’re a great way to organize what you want your future to look like. And once it’s laid out on a vision board, you can begin to think about what you need to do to make it all happen

“Vision boards are an important part of annual goal-setting process. They help set and prioritize goals, values, and intentions.

Vision boards are fun to make and can be quite artistic/creative. The process of making a vision board helps plant goals and intentions in your head.

Seeing your vision board regularly—with images and words representing your goals, wishes, and values—helps remind you what you want to do, be, and have. And helps to ensure that you continue to move towards those things, both consciously and unconsciously.”

Click here for tutorials:

You can make a digital vision board here to print and tape into your DMOplanner.